5 Effective Techniques To Defeat Internet Trolls

5 Effective Techniques To Defeat Internet Trolls

Either it can be an aftermath of a pun intended personal opinion, controversial opinion on any public matters or maybe a leisure talk in the circle or one’s close friends. If you have been spending time online, then you have definitely dealt with a troll. Even if we don’t want to take part in one and do everything in power to not participate in a troll event, these days we are always subjective for trolls. If you want to keep your online reputation intact and establish a thriving community that is positively engaging, then every business needs to handle internet trolls effectively. The best Digital Agency in skåne malmö is here with some effective tips to counter internet trolls.

Policy Establishment

The foremost step for blocking internet trolls is to establish a strong and cohesive policy for users. It should clearly state that what kind of opinions or statements can be made on the internet platforms of the business. Solid comment policies ensure that your website and social media platforms will remove harassing, anonymous and promotional comments. This will overall revive brand perception among the audience.

Ignore them     

Yes. Trolls always demand attention and participation. They want the subject to get angry or frustrated. If we ignore them in the first place, certain trolls are more likely to settle down without even creating chaos. No matter how disturbing the trolls are, ignoring them in the first place is worth a smart move to consider and rightly so. In a Pew Research Center survey, 60 percent of the participants opt to ignore online trolls.


Humour is the best way to handle internet trolls. Respond with humour instead of a wave of expected anger or frustration. Sainsbury’s, one of the grocery chains in the United Kingdom battled a troll after an unsatisfied customer tweeted that the chicken tasted like it was beaten by Hulk Hogan. The brand replied using a mix of an apology as well as a metaphor. They defused and won the scenario by engaging the unhappy customer in a light-hearted manner.

Unified Community

If your brand has managed to create and sustain a unified community, then you may not need to bother much on the internet trolls. You have more probability for a genuine user experience discussions happening across your online channels, who possess a certain level of attachment with your brand. Even if a troll surfaces on your channel, the community take matters into their own hands and take genuine attempts to counter them.

Platform Blocking

The root cause of trolls is accessibility for trollers to use your website. You can block offensive comments, delete comments or block/ban the members raising the comments. Experts say that disabling comments from your posts can prevent trolls altogether. When there is no platform available, where can trollers sow their offensive remarks? However, while you are blocking the platform, it will also prevent a venue for positive community discussions as well.


If you have the bandwidth, you may want to consider hiring an external team to monitor your website and social media platforms. These moderators timely notice the negative brand comments and take prompt action against them. They will timely deal with the trollers and maintains an overall positive and welcoming tonality for the brand across online channels. There are several tools out there as well for automating the moderating task as well.

About Exploit Digital Marketing

Are you concerned about what people say about your brand? Rely on Exploit Digital Marketing, the pioneers of SEO Companies in Skåne Sweden for social listening and analyze complete aspects of the online conversations. We understand every brand’s concerns about managing their online reputation. By reacting and engaging in real-time to your brand communications, we make sure your reputation is protected all the time. We give you real-time insights on social mentions on the internet that is relevant to your products and services. Our easy to use interface allows you to interpret the customer sentiments and react to the crisis situations effectively. Get a quote from us today itself and leave your brand reputation in the safest hands ever!

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